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Homes for the Brave

VeteranShare allows active service members to receive free housing from AirBnb hosts.

Why Veteranshare?

Exclusive Network

Our diverse team verifies all applications to ensure that everything is above board, and we handle all of the paperwork so that you can focus on what's important.


We connect Active Service Members with Existing AirBnb hosts to allow them to continue offering room-sharing services, while also earning credit towards cash payouts or future AirBnb lodging.

Charitable Giving

A percentage of every dollar spent on in-network properties is given to local charities.
We're in this to build communities.

How does it work?

Veteranshare pairs Airbnb hosts with active service members so that they can operate under the protection of federal law. In exchange, servicemembers get access to the free fully furnished apartments of their dreams, or cash payments.






Anti-Room Sharing

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If you're on active service, click the button to the right to get started!

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Our Team

Alex Morris

Full Stack Developer

Sarah Baker

Naval Lieutenant & Data Security Expert

Shorge Sato

Attorney and AirBnb Super Host